March 22, 2013

Ayakashi Mini-Review
Ayakashi is a lesser known anime, and is generally pretty average in most respects.  It poses an interesting premise, though it's execution leaves much do be desired.  If you're a fan of anime that focus on summoned creatures fighting for the summoner (a sort of pokemon or digimon like approach), then you'd probably like this anime.  I'd also recommend it if you're just looking for another enjoyable anime to watch, too.

Basically, these supernatural parasite creatures bond themselves to an individual, and can then manifest themselves into a physical creature by tapping the host's life force.  This has the expected nasty side effects of, say, slowly killing the person when they are physically manifested.

I overall give this anime a 55 out of 100, which is a 3 star rating.  This is unfortunate, as it had the potential to be much higher.

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